sabato 25 giugno 2011

Dental Crown Preston Dental Bridge Cost

Traditionally, people with missing teeth, or structural tooth problems, like fractures or
teeth severely damaged by decay, were subject to endless dentist visits and a mouthful
of very unnatural looking false teeth. We have advanced the science of crowns and
bridges to offer solutions that remedy problems safely and restore a full, attractive,
natural smile.
Smile Design

When a tooth is fractured, has a large, old filling, or is severely damaged through decay,
we may recommend the placement of a crown, or cap. Crowns strengthen and protect
the remaining tooth structure and can improve the appearance of your smile. Types of
crowns include the full porcelain crown, the porcelain-fused-to-metal crown and different
variations of these. Crowns surround the entire tooth, unlike a veneer which just covers
the visible surface of the tooth. Fitting a crown requires at least two dental visits.

Before crowns, the only real option for a broken down tooth was extraction. Crowns have
given dentists, and in turn patients, the ability to fix certain dental situations.
Cavities, or dental decay, occur when acid-forming bacteria in the mouth are supplied
with sugars. With these sugars as their food, the bacteria produce acid that eats away at
the tooth, creating cavities. Usually, caries can be removed and filled with tooth-colored
composite fillings. However once too much of the tooth structure is lost, fillings will no
longer suffice and the tooth will need to either be extracted or crowned.

In addition to cavities, age, wear, and fracture are other reasons a tooth may require a
crown. With age, teeth tend to turn yellow, wear down, chip, and become less attractive.
In addition, teeth can fracture from over-use or by accident. In these situations as well,
crowns are a great way to restore function, esthetics, and beauty to a smile.

Crowns are customized per patient, so to state their exact cost is not possible. However,
when faced with the alternative of extraction, crowns are a great, simple, and cost
effective way to save a tooth.
Teeth are part of your body, and an extremely important part at that. To extract a tooth
instead of letting it function in your mouth for years to come. In two easy visits, crowns
can transform your smile back to health and an ideal cosmetic beauty, and keep it that
way for many years if not the rest of your life.

Making a crown for a tooth is a multi-step procedure usually requiring 2 visits :
Dental Crown

1.) Preparation of Tooth: First, the tooth must be prepared for the crown. This preparation
involved removing approximately 1-2mm of tooth structure from around the entire visible
tooth. Usually, much of the tooth that is removed has already been damaged by decay
and/or fracture.

2.) Impression: Next, an impression of the prepared tooth is taken. This impression is
send to the dental laboratory so that they can create a new crown for the tooth that fits on
to the prepared tooth exactly.

3.) Temporaries: After the preparation of the tooth, a temporary crown is placed on the
tooth so the patient can function normally between appointments. This temp is removed
at the second visit when the final crown from the lab is ready for insertion.

4.) Cosmetic Dentists at Lane ends dental Practice use one the finest dental lab in the
world. They create his crowns from the finest porcelain, noble, and precious metals in
the world. Crowns are usually created 1) Completely of porcelain (usually front teeth), 2)
From porcelain with a metal framework underneath (usually back teeth for rigidity), or 3)
From gold for unique circumstances. From the impression the lab is able to create a
beautiful, natural, new crown for the tooth.

5.) Placement: After the lab technician creates the customized crown, It is skillfully
cemented on to the prepared tooth at the second visit. Crowns are a great way to make
broken down, decayed teeth look like new again. You can expect crowns to last for many
years to keep your smile healthy, functional, and beautiful! Crowns

Dental Crowns have been known to stay in the mouth for over 20 years. With proper oral
hygiene and care, there is no reason why crowns cannot last for the rest of your life. Of
course, as with any dental procedure, crowns may last more or less than the average
expectancy, and accidents such as fracture can happen as with natural teeth.
However we are confident that crowns will greatly improve your oral health and
appearance for years to come.

Crowns and bridges are both procedures Dr. Tehranian has perfected. Along with his
cosmetic team of dental professionals, assistants, and staff. learn more about these
Cosmetic dentistry options;

Dental Bridge

Teeth Whitening

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